helper ====== Here are lists of currently available commands, including system commands and user commands. Some of the command might not be well supported at moment, run ``help`` to see what commands are supported at moment, for extra commands please either refer to the source code or add by yourself. cli list ---------- - **System commands** +-----------+---------------------+ | name | help | +===========+=====================+ | help | print this | +-----------+---------------------+ | p | print memory | +-----------+---------------------+ | m | modify memory | +-----------+---------------------+ | cho | echo for command | +-----------+---------------------+ | xit | close CLI | +-----------+---------------------+ | evname | print device name | +-----------+---------------------+ | ysver | system version | +-----------+---------------------+ | eboot | reboot system | +-----------+---------------------+ | oweroff | poweroff system | +-----------+---------------------+ | ime | system time | +-----------+---------------------+ | ta | system ota | +-----------+---------------------+ | s | thread dump | +-----------+---------------------+ - **User command** +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | name | help | +=========================+=====================================================+ | test\_trng | Test TRNG | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | tcpc | create a tcpc for in a new task | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | ipc | iperf TCP client | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | ips | iperf TCP server | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | ipu | iperf UDP client | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | psm\_set | psm set | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | psm\_unset | psm unset | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | psm\_get | psm get | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | psm\_dump | psm dump | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | psm\_erase | psm dump | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | amr | amr encode test | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | test\_sdh | test SDH based on fatfs | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | http | http client download test | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | mjpeg\_start | start mjpeg tasks | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | msg\_set | message set | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | msg\_get | message get | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | msg\_dump | message dump | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | msg\_reset | erase all message regions | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | msg\_set\_t1 | message set test 1 | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | rf\_dump | rf dump | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | wifi\_ap\_start | start AP mode | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | wifi\_scan | wifi scan | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | wifi\_mon | wifi monitor | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | wifi\_raw\_send: wifi | raw send test | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | wifi\_sta\_disconnect | wifi station disconnect | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | wifi\_sta\_connect | wifi station connect | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | airkiss | airkiss | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | rc\_fix\_en | wifi rate control fixed rate enable | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | rc\_fix\_dis | wifi rate control fixed rate diable | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | wifi\_capcode | capcode utils, wifi\_capcode [cap\_in] [cap\_out] | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | blfdt | blfdt | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | tc\_uart | bl test uart | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | audio\_play\_ram | play sound fm ram | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | audio\_config\_es8311 | config ES831 | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | audio\_mp3 | play sou mp3 | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | audio\_test | play test | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | audio\_play | audio play | +-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ Common commands --------------- - **View all commands** Press ``TAB`` or type ``help`` to view: **#** ``help`` - **Config wifi with specified ssid and passwd(default value will be used after reboot)** Example: use SSID: ``bl_wifi_005`` and password: ``123456789`` **#** ``wifi_sta_connect bl_wifi_005 123456789`` - **Set default ssid and passwd for wifi** Example: use SSID: ``bl_wifi_005`` and password: ``123456789`` **#** ``psm_set conf_ap_ssid bl_wifi_005`` **#** ``psm_set conf_ap_psk 123456789`` - **Start AP** Use ``wifi_ap_start`` to start AP,you have to run ``psm_erase`` to erase STA related config information and reboot. The default AP SSID is ``BL60X_uAP_`` suffixed with HEX code of the last 3 bytes of MAC address, the password will be ``bouffalolab`` - **Reboot system** **#** ``reboot`` - **Audio recoding and playing** This module requires SD support, and it only supports pcm format at moment - config sample rate **#** audio\_config 11p025 If no parameter is provided, a default of 16Khz will be used, the supported sample rates are: 8k, 16k, 24k, 32k, 48k, 11p025, 22p05, 44p1 Sample rate with decimal is represented with ``p`` as decimal point. ex, 11.025khz is represented as 11p025 - recoding **#** audio\_record test.pcm If no parameter is provided, a default ``record.pcm`` will be saved under the root of SD card. The default recording time will be 10s - playing **#** audio\_play test.pcm If no parameter is provided, it will try to plya ``record.pcm`` under the root of SD card. - **Image transfer** Use ``mjpeg_start`` command to start image transfer related tasks. - **Save image to SD card** This module requires SD support, and it only supports jpeg format at moment - config quality of mjpeg images **#** mjpegsd\_config 50 currently support 6 quality settings: 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100 - Start to save images **#** mjpegsd\_start default to save stream at 50FPS - **NOTE** - the command above will save 50 images files under SD root as: 0.jpeg, 1.jpeg, ..., 49.jpeg - **Save AVI to SD card** This module requires SD support, and it only supports AVI format at moment - config quality of mjpeg images **#** avisd\_config 50 bl\_avi\_q50.avi currently support 6 quality settings: 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100 - Start saving avi **#** avisd\_start Default to save at 750FPS - **NOTE** - the command above will create a file called "bl\_avi\_q50.avi" under SD root - it is recommanded to set the allocation unit size to be "64KB", and filesystem to be FAT32 while formatting - a reboot is needed if quality has to be modified after ``avisd\_start`` - psram, camera are needed for this module. - **Share WIFI through QR code** This module enables a connection to WIFI throuhg QR code - start ``qrcode_connect_wifi`` the camera will initilize and scan for QR code - **NOTE** - QR code information will be printed out once it has been recoginized, if it is not a valid WIFI hotspot, the module will carry on with QR scanning - Support UTF-8 encoded Chinese SSID - Support open WIFI - psram, camera are needed for this module.