Windows Starter Guide ======================= This document explains how to set up a software environment for developing on the BL602 hardware under Windows. Setting up the build environment and getting the code ----------------------------------------------------- - Install a serial port tool such as `ScriptCommunicator `__ - `Obtain the MSYS2 installer `__ - `Installation instructions `__ - Open MSYS2 and install make,by using the command:\ ``pacman -S make`` .. figure:: imgs/image1.png :alt: .. figure:: imgs/image2.png :alt: - Open the installation directory of MSYS2 and put the SDK source code under the user name folder in the \ ``home''\ directory. The following figure shows the \ ``igor``\ folder .. figure:: imgs/image3.png :alt: **Note**\ :In the example the name ``igor`` is used, but yours is probably different, you can find it by seeing what is before the @ symbol in the prompt. - Install unzip in order to decompress the SDK, by using the command:\ ``pacman -S unzip``\ ,You may also want git and tmux, you can install them by using these commands:\ ``pacman -S git``\ , \ ``pacman -S tmux`` .. figure:: imgs/image4.png :alt: .. figure:: imgs/image5.png :alt: - Decompress the zip file containing the SDK, by running the command: ``unzip`` .. figure:: imgs/image6.png :alt: Connecting the Hardware ----------------------- See the relevant section in :ref:`connecting_the_hardware`. Ensure that the board is set to be in loading mode. Compiling and Flashing ---------------------- - Enter the directory of the project you want to compile, such as:\ ``cd customer_app/bl602_demo_event`` .. figure:: imgs/image7.png :alt: - To compile run the command:\ ``./genromap`` .. figure:: imgs/image8.png :alt: Downloading Binaries -------------------- - Open ``bl_iot_sdk/tools/flash_tool`` and run the ``simple_flasher.exe`` program - For ``chip type``\ select\ ``BL602/604``\: .. figure:: imgs/image9.png :alt: Click ``download``. You should see the following if flashing is successful: .. figure:: imgs/image10.png :alt: - If you are using ScriptCommunicator, Open it and click ``settings`` to configure as shown in the figure below, where ``DTR`` needs to be checked, and ``RTS`` is not checked. .. figure:: imgs/image12.png :alt: (You can also do this using Windows Subsystem for Linux)