2. cli

2.1. Overview

There are powerful shell tools under Linux that allow users to interact with the system. However, in traditional Embedded systems, users have to implement a set of similar interactive tools themselves. AliOS-Things comes with a set of native command line interactive tool called cli (command-line interface). In addition to providing basic system interactive, it also supports user-defined commands. We have ported it to our system, and a lot of improvements have been made to it as well. We will introduce how to use the cli tool in following section.

2.2. Example

First call test_cli_init() from within the shell, then a test command could print hello world. as following.

# test
hello world.

All the useful commands are documented at helper

static void cmd_test_func(char *buf, int len, int argc, char **argv)
    printf("hello world.\r\n");

const static struct cli_command cmds_user[] = {
    {"test", "it's test func ", cmd_test_func}

int test_cli_init(void)
    return aos_cli_register_commands(cmds_user, sizeof(cmds_user)/sizeof(cmds_user[0]));