3. AWS

3.1. Overview

This example explains how to interact with Amazon Web Services.

3.2. Usage Steps

  • Edit customer_app/bl602_demo_ble_pds/bl602_demo_ble_pds/aws_iot_main.c with your own AWS certificate and configs. This picture shows an example configuration (for demostration only):

  • Compile and flash the customer_app/bl602_demo_event project.

  • In the serial console, enter stack_wifi to start up Wi-FI,and wifi_sta_connect <name> <key> to connect to an available Wi-Fi network. Confirm that the connection is successful. (e.g.: use the command wifi_sta_connect bl_test_005 123456789.)

  • Enter aws in the serial console. If you see the following log printout, the connection is successful.