3. Windows Starter Guide

This document explains how to set up a software environment for developing on the BL602 hardware under Windows.

3.1. Setting up the build environment and getting the code

  • Install a serial port tool such as ScriptCommunicator

  • Obtain the MSYS2 installer

  • Installation instructions

  • Open MSYS2 and install make,by using the command:pacman -S make

  • Open the installation directory of MSYS2 and put the SDK source code under the user name folder in the home''\ directory. The following figure shows the \ ``igorfolder

    Note:In the example the name igor is used, but yours is probably different, you can find it by seeing what is before the @ symbol in the prompt.

  • Install unzip in order to decompress the SDK, by using the command:pacman -S unzip,You may also want git and tmux, you can install them by using these commands:pacman -S git, pacman -S tmux

  • Decompress the zip file containing the SDK, by running the command: unzip bl_iot_sdk.zip

3.2. Connecting the Hardware

See the relevant section in Connecting the Hardware. Ensure that the board is set to be in loading mode.

3.3. Compiling and Flashing

  • Enter the directory of the project you want to compile, such as:cd customer_app/bl602_demo_event

  • To compile run the command:./genromap

3.4. Downloading Binaries

  • Open bl_iot_sdk/tools/flash_tool and run the simple_flasher.exe program

  • For chip typeselectBL602/604

    Click download. You should see the following if flashing is successful:

  • If you are using ScriptCommunicator, Open it and click settings to configure as shown in the figure below, where DTR needs to be checked, and RTS is not checked.

(You can also do this using Windows Subsystem for Linux)