9.1. 总览


9.2. 使用步骤

  • 编译 customer_app/sdk_app_audio_udp 工程,勾选烧录软件中的romfs选项, 然后选中处理后的音频文件所在的文件夹并下载工程,如图所示:

The original documentation had an image called imgs/image1.png here, but the file is not publically available. This text is here to prevent a missing image warning.

  • 板子启动后会自动开启wifi,名称为“BL60X_uAP_827302”,使用手机连接该wifi,如图所示:

The original documentation had an image called imgs/image2.png here, but the file is not publically available. This text is here to prevent a missing image warning.

  • 打开微信小程序,IP地址设置为“”,端口为“5002”,注意此时可能需要关闭数据流量, 输入需要发送播报的数字,点击“发送即可”,如图所示:

The original documentation had an image called imgs/image3.png here, but the file is not publically available. This text is here to prevent a missing image warning.